Raquel and Melinda: Guatemalan Poetry

Today we went to visit the Del Monte banana plantation with our new friends, the kids from the school here in the colony that we are staying in. Their parents generally have management jobs with Del Monte. We visited the banana field and learned about the growing methods.  We also watched the people working hard in the packaging plant. We were then treated to a delicious lunch at El Ranchon.  After lunch we went to the Mayan ruins of Quiriguá, deep in the jungle. 

La Mañana

Accompanied by the Del Monte students,

we entered the banana plantation.

Learned the life cycle,

the seedlings from Israel,

and all that goes into their creation.

Then into the plant,

where the men cut the bunches,

which then float

and become disinfected.

The women then pick

the ones with imperfections

to ensure just the best are exported.

Banana so sweet,

you hold such history,

do we think of your past when we peel you?

- Melinda Shard

La Tarde

Guatemalan Sun

high in the sky

and blazing hot.

Nothing like this one


Jungle on all sides,

through green banana

leaves and trees.

Lots of long rides.


New friends around with

large ancient Mayan rocks

that show pictures

of ancient kings and myths


The past has lots

of secrets to be discovered

and explored

in many different spots.


Knowledge shared

between two people

of culture, life, and everything

that could be cared.


Long day

much sleep needed

along the way.
-Raquel Robbins
Melinda Shard is a third year Early Childhood Care and Education student.  This is the second time she's visited Guatemala.  Raquel Robbins is a first year arts and science student.  Raquel's high school trip to Egypt has inspired her to study abroad in Guatemala.  




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