Michael and Mason: Lloyds of London and Museum Day

Experiences during London 2014 will all differ depending on whose eyes they are through. This is why a trip with such a large group is an amazing journey together. Today Mason and I (Michael) were the daily leaders for the day like NO OTHER. The original plan was to visit Primark, which is a major clothing department store in England, and then the afternoon was set aside for everyone to go experience and visit a museum of their choice.

The day prior to our day, plans changed and unfortunately Primark was unable to host our group, therefore Robin was able to connect with a friend and we got the opportunity to tour Lloyds of London. Lloyd’s of London is where most of the insurance coverage around the world is underwritten and brokered. This was a visit like no other and it was a jaw dropping experience for all. Many of us were simply stunned.

Lloyd’s was only able to tour half the group at a time, which wasn’t the best, but we made it work and it just took a bit of side planning for a few other places that the group not touring at Lloyds would go and visit. The primary “work” as daily leaders was in the morning for getting everyone to Lloyd’s. Overall we felt that the group met in the lobby on time and this made the journey easier for us. The journey to their building was easy and the group responded well to changes and where to go in our opinion. This group is amazing. Everyone is always there for each other and even when there are slight arguments we always come back together! At least that’s what we noticed.
Royal Airforce Museum
The afternoon was set aside for museum tours and it was nice that we were all given the opportunity to see the museum that we wanted to see and it wasn’t a forced decision to see a certain one. I think we all made the most of our time in London and all got to see the special sights that each of us might have had on our list of things to see and do.
Mason at the British Music Experience
What we began to see as the week progressed and as daily leaders we did see it a bit more on our day is the group really came together and everyone knew that each day was planned by the leaders. Good plan, bad plan, or “could have been a better plan”, everyone knew that we were all doing the best that we could.

Well anyhow, that’s it for today. Oh and we almost forgot... Happy Valentine’s Day!

Michael Hutchinson and Mason Ducharme are both Bachelor of Business Administration students


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