Lisa and Jana:University of Greenwich, British Museum and the London Eye

Jana Nixon: The morning started off with a little confusion- but we were out the door for 9:45am to head to the University of Greenwich for our tour where we split into two groups. It was great to see the university and how they study. The weather winds, making the general feeling amongst the group down as everyone awful weather of heavy rains and winds cold left us wet. At the end of the tour, the decision was made to cancel the walking tour due to the weather and go to the British Museum instead. Before so, we took an hour to regroup at the hotel- this seems to get everyone back on track, including ourselves the leaders.  

We played a game, sharing our favorite thing, and then going around a circle remembering what the previous person said and adding onto it. It felt like it went well and was played all in good fun. It was nice to see the interaction amongst the group members; it felt as if we could have just picked each other favorites things without saying so. It felt good to see that bond on the fifth day in.  From the hotel we headed into London to go to the museum. The trip went well there- we had to walk a couple of block but with no complaints. Except it was sad to see the weather clear up and we could have done the walking tour after all, I guess that is only part of London weather. However, I think everyone was happy to be safe, inside and dry, than the opposite.  
After a few hours at the museum, we made our way to the London eye. Everyone was more than excited for this. It was a highlight for sure to see the city in such a special way, and as a group. It felt like we were very close in that pod, everyone was talking to everyone, one large conversation taking place. It was all-beautiful. Afterwards, we separated; some went to the football match, other shops and dinner.

The day of leading was a great leaning opportunity to gain more skills. To be honest, the morning was different than planned, and started of rough- I wasn’t pleased, but I tried to adapt and come up with a new plan that would be best for the group. I felt comfortable leading everyone into the city but I can also be a quiet person so I do have to push myself to speak to large groups so given the circumstances of the days events I was able to practice these skills.
The day felt better after we regroup before the museum but seeing the weather clear up was a bit of a drag as the walking tour would have been amazing and included a few things missed during our 10 days. I do wish the morning could have started better though for the group but in light of everything it did end in high spirit with the London brining everyone together.

Lisa Clifton:

In the midst of all the beauty and excitement of being in another country. Always remember that one day or another, being homesick will hit. Just remember it passes, I had this happen on this day and remembered "this too shall pass". You are at a once in a lifetime opportunity; take it, embrace it, remember it. This is the first step to international travel, it is now in your grasp. Hold on tight, be yourself and just have fun.

University of Greenwich Tour
Painted Hall
I have honestly never seen anything more breath taking and absolutely beautiful before. The painted hall was astonishing; the detail, you could see the hard work and absolute brilliance. It was like you were back in the 1800's, you could; see, feel, and absorb each brush stroke. I am honoured to be amongst such beauty. The entire architecture was most elegant, the amazing stone work and maintenance over hundreds of years is outstanding. It honestly can not be examined within a couple hours, it would take 100's of hours to explore.

London Eye
With a view like no other and a feeling of weightlessness the London eye; one of my biggest highlights! To see London city at many different heights and angles, pictures can only show a view not the feeling. The London eye is definitely a must, on the life's to do list and now checked off.


Both Jana and Lisa are Bachelor of Business Administration students.


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