Julia and Zofia: High Tea in London

Today was a fantastic day with some great learning experiences.

We the were off into London city centre to catch a double decker bus, which took a little bit longer than usual because we had to take a slight detour because of the station being under construction. It was confusing being in a new city where there are so many different train lines, and is not easy to get used to. That is one thing I think we can take for granted back home. We are just so used to knowing where to go and what bus to take, that while travelling it was a shock at how hard it actually was to navigate such a massive train system, in a huge city.

Having to figure out where we were suppose to go on the spot was stressful because we really wanted to do a good job and get to out destinations on time. Even though we had to figure out a new route we were able to make it to the bus tour on time! We spent the first two hours on the bus tour where everyone had an amazing time. We have been looking forward to seeing all of the old buildings. It was mind boggling to see how huge all the really old buildings were. It is just astonishing to think about how they would have been lifted these massive stones to create the buildings. It was really an experience to be able to see all the old architecture and history that each building has; because coming from Canada, all the buildings are fairly new. Pictures were being taken constantly and everyone was excited to see all the old building and historical sites on the tour.

Our favourite part of the day was the next on the itinerary, where we had high tea at a restaurant called Bill's. For many of us it was our first experience of having high tea, which comes with mini sandwiches, cakes, and scones. It was really cool to learn how even though everyone can be busy with his or her lives; they always take the time out of their day to have afternoon tea. It’s just part of their culture and it’s a way for them to be able to slow down and take a minute to unwind, before finishing the rest of their day.

We were surprised to learn that the proper way to make a cup of tea; you first pour the milk and sugar in first, and pour the tea last. It was really absurd to see how the majority in England drinks tea, where in Canada it is the opposite, and the majority drinks coffee.  You don’t really think about how other countries can be different from your own. You are just so used to always seeing people drinking coffee, and then you come to London, and see everyone drinking tea.

Even though it is only a small difference, it’s still strange to see because you just don’t expect it. All of those small differences add up and can make you think, “That’s so strange!” But for people who live in London, it is really just normal.
Having barely traveled myself, coming on this trip has really opened my eyes at how big the world is; and how every city, and country is individually and fundamentally different, however small are big that difference might be.

Julia Kane and Zofia Rodriguez are both students in the Bachelor of Business Administration program.


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