Laurel and Alysha: Pie Queens


WHAT A DAY!!! The UK could not make up its mind today. The weather was very bipolar. One minute it was down pouring and literally the next it was clear blue sky. This continued for the whole day. First thing this morning we ventured to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. Here we posed with the Prime Meridian of the world, like true tourists and explored the planetarium and the Harrison Timekeepers Museum. It was fascinating going back in time and learning the history and development of telescopes.


Next, we literally swam to Goddard’s at Greenwich for a true traditional English meal…pies, pies and more pies. Our set menu included the choice of Cheese and Onion Pie or Minced Meet Pie. For dessert we were given the option of more pie, either Apple or Cherry. Here we met the international students from the University of Hertfordshire and we bonded over pies. It was nice to see some friendly faces and to hear their thoughts on the university here in the United Kingdom. Before coming to London we were not huge fans of meat pies but after experiencing them here they do not even compare to what they are like in Vancouver. It is as if they put something in them that is nowhere near as good as back home. The British definitely know how to make carbs taste so well that you do not even think about it going to your hips!

Once we were stuffed we were on our way to the football match. Walking was very exciting…we lost an umbrella along the way, looked like a bunch of drowned rats entering the stadium and more bonding was accomplished! The match was between Charlton and Birmingham. The atmosphere was the highlight for sure! Watching the opposing Birmingham fans chanting the entire game was highly fascinating. A second highlight was when a member of our group was able to throw the ball back on the field but chose not to, which ended up royally pissing off the defender. The result in the game ended in Birmingham’s favor 2-0. Leaving the stadium we were approached by a French television station. During the interview we were asked to sing a song, so when in doubt we went with our Canadian national anthem.

Experiencing an English football game was very exciting. A football match in London compared to a soccer game in Vancouver you cannot even compare. Saying what it feels to partake in a football match is impossible. There are no words to describe the emotion of the people around you and how they are so into their team. Football is their life; they live for it! Canuck fans and Whitecaps fans you have no idea what it is to be a fan after witnessing two football games now in London.

After the game, being the team leaders we made the executive decision to take the bus back as we all could not feel our feet! Once back at the hotel we said our good byes for the night and ventured out in evening that lay ahead!

London is unlike any other city we have been. It is full of life every moment of the day. The history, the culture, the thrill of football and the transportation makes it even more amazing. With over 11 million people living in the London area we can see why they do, it is a rush. Some of the historical monuments are older than Canada, which does not surprise us at all. If Vancouver’s transportation system was anything near to what London is it would make such a difference. It will be very sad to leave this amazing city but we will definitely be coming back, no doubt about it!

Laurel White and Alysha Moles are both fourth year Tourism Management students.   


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