Sarah Van Asselt: A Country of Dreams

Like many people in this field school, traveling has always been a passion of mine. Having spent a fair amount of time in the Guatemala’s neighbouring country, Honduras, I felt confident that I knew what to expect here. However, as I sit here in the shade, beside our beautiful hotel in Livingston, I am struck by an overwhelming feeling of amazement and bewilderment. Is this really happening to me or am I stuck in a surreal dream? Blue skies surround the never ending Atlantic Ocean, and green palm trees glisten in the light of the intense sun. Tony entertains the group with beautiful Spanish music as we eat breakfast on the patio overlooking the water and as birds gracefully fly overhead, singing their own songs of nature. How could this perfect world not be a dream?

Everyday my expectations of this trip are surpassed and everyday countless opportunities arise.  Yesterday, after our early morning adventure in Tikal, we crammed into the vans and set off for another five hour drive through the countryside of Guatemala. The drive provided us with a chance to get to know each other through a very entertaining game of never-have-I-ever. After a quick stop for lunch for more beans and eggs, we all piled into two boats that took us for a two hour boat ride to second to last destination. The gorgeous views of both land and water flew by as we made our way to Livingston. Wind blew through our hair and the taste of salt water filled our mouths. To pass the time, the boat I was in played a game of telephone, where one person makes up a complicated sentence and then whispers it to the person next to them. The final person who receives that sentence then tell the group the exactly what they heard when it was whispered to them. By the end of the game my abs hurt so much from laughing. Excitement grew as we turned the corner and saw our hotel for the first time. The next day and a half was dedicated to relaxing in the sun and rejuvenating our exhausted bodies. Immediately upon arrival some of the group members jumped in the ocean side pool, while others unpacked and prepared for the nights festivities.

As our adventure in Guatemala quickly comes to an end, I dread the day I have to wake up from this unbelievable dream because in this world all of my dreams come true.  


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