There’s No Place Like Home BY Ryley


If you’re thinking about going abroad, do it! If finances are holding you back, there are loans out there and you can always make the money later to pay people back. You truly cannot buy anything more rewarding or enriching than travel, or an education. If fear is holding you back, remember that pushing yourself to do some of the hardest things are the ones you’ll be the most glad you did.


I had an amazing study abroad experience. I met lifelong friends from all around the world, worked at one of the top worldwide companies and learned how to beat an iron deficiency. (Hint: Eat more spinach and broccoli, along with less cereal.) I can guarantee you’ll get your Disney fix, and if you’re like me, learn to love it and then really love the feeling of escaping it.


I had it all on my program, crazy roommates, crazy bosses, travel opportunities, amazing food and dance parties that helped me to stay sane. It was an incredible, emotional ride but being back home, something I’m so glad I did. I’m happy to say that getting on the plane home was just as good, if not better than the plane leaving to Florida. I’m back with my friends and family, and appreciate them more than ever. This experience helped me realize that I do love to travel and see the world, but a huge part of that love is the feeling of coming home.


I’m already lining up my next international adventure, and cannot wait! If any part of you wants to experience something like nothing else, try study abroad. It’s something you’ll be so glad you did and remember, it’s not forever.


So thank you to the study abroad office for helping me do this, my friends for supporting me from back home and in Florida, and Disney for making me realize there is magic out there, mostly in the form of a Dole Whip.

Ryley McLeod is a Tourism Management student at Capilano University. Ryley participated in the Disney International Program in California and Florida, USA. 


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