Sara Maria Dal-Santo: C’est quoi ca!? (What’s that!?)

Groceries I need to buy:
- Muesli
- Yogurt
- Wait no, this is
not what I’m meant to be writing…
Here we go…
Things I love about Bordeaux:
- Fresh “pain au
chocolate” from the bakery
- The chance to improve
my French (and other random languages)
- Cobblestone roads
- The extremely diverse mix of cultures from around the world in our Erasmus class
- The extremely diverse mix of cultures from around the world in our Erasmus class

- The fun of trying
to fit two people on a bicycle built for one at 2 in the morning
- School organized
“water”-pong in the court yard on St. Patty’s day
- How close and
accessible everywhere in Europe is (say hello to many weekend trips!)
- Flat roads
Sara Maria is a Bachelor of Business Administration student studying abroad at the INSEEC Business School in Bordeaux, France.
- The taste of the
tap water
- Grocery stores
that are open on Sundays
- Banks that don’t
cancel your appointments for a month straight
- Cheap sushi
(there’s no way I’m paying 10 euros for one salmon/avocado roll)
Questions that I’m meant
to answer:
What have you learned
about your host country so far?
you can get a delicious bottle of wine for two euros at the grocery store.
Sum up your feelings so
far about your semester abroad. France is far away from home but they have better
chocolate and pastries. My mom is better than your mom because she mailed me
Talk about what you are
excited to experience in the months to come. I’m excited about my Easter break trip
(because we get the week off and not just a long weekend). Last weekend a group
of us went to Toulouse and next week we’re off to Nice and the Barcelona!
Are you nervous about
anything? Nope,
being nervous is a waste of time. It’s hard to believe that I’m already 1/3rd
of the way through my semester already! I don’t really want to go home (hence
why I’ve been procrastinating buying a return ticket).
But what I’m
really trying to say in this badly written blog post is: If you have any
opportunity to travel anywhere, take it. Get up and go explore.
*Pictures used
for distraction purposes*
Sara Maria is a Bachelor of Business Administration student studying abroad at the INSEEC Business School in Bordeaux, France.
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