Cheyenne Kuckein: APPLY NOW!

So you're thinking about studying abroad, EHH?! Well then, let's start with this. THIS WILL BE THE MOST AMAZING EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE.


Is your study abroad application submitted yet? If not, stop reading now and get on it!

Now that your application is in, let's move on to some advice. I've only been here in Caen, France for about two months now (wow, time really flies), and there is so much I have already learned from my adventures. More than any lecture, any textbook, any instructional video, any how-to manual.

My advice for all you study-abroad-hopefuls is simple:

Meet as many new people as you can. See as many new things as you can. Try as many new things as you can. Learn the language-- it will unlock so many doors for you in life.
(Oh, also maybe arrive with a nickname if your name resembles an inappropriate French word. Conveniently both my first and last name have given me some issues ;) On the bright side, it’s a great conversation starter!)

Most importantly, don't be afraid to venture away from the international student group and immerse yourself in the locals. My weekend trip to Angers taught me this. I met some of the most incredible people this weekend.

You see, I've always had this fear of being alone. I'm the type of person who always has to have a good friend by my side. Being abroad has taught me to LOVE taking risks and meeting new people on my own. The people here in France will respect your independence too ;)

Why choose Caen as your destination to study abroad? The wine is good, the Embuscade is better. The pastries and chocolate here are alright too ;). The Canadian war history here is very present in everyday life and is fascinating to witness in person.

Secondly, Caen is also a student town which means there is never a night without some sort of student event or party going on. It's also always nice being in a city with so many young people-- all of the youth are very friendly, patient, welcoming, and very open minded. I haven't felt alone since the second I arrived. Neither will you.

And with that, congratulations on your choice to study abroad! Hopefully my advice will help you with your semester!


Get ready for your life to change.

Cheyenne is a Bachelor of Business Administration student studying abroad at the Ecole de Management de Normandie in Caen, France.


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