Matteo | Month #1 in the UK


In the famous red telephone books, located in central London

After many months of preparation, I have finally made it over safely to the U.K. My overall experiences have been nothing short of amazing! I have met numerous friends from all over the globe, seen many London sites, and have gained new insights as a student at the University of Herefordshire.

Buckingham Palace

Upon my arrival I was very curious to see who would be my dorm mates.   I presumed that the vast majority of them would be English, but I was quite wrong. My entire residence is made up of international students, making our friend group quite diverse. I have made close relationships with many German, Chinese, Malaysian, Spanish, and American students. Having an entourage that consists of different ethnicities has allowed me to appreciate many cultures.  I have learned about each countries famous landmarks and traditions, tried new ethnic foods and have even mastered a few words in German and Spanish.

London Eye

During the two months here, I have visited many places, and have seen several landmarks. During my first week in Hatfield, the school offered all International tudents a tour of downtown London.  For the first time I was able to see Big Ben, the London Eye, and Buckingham Palace.  I recently visited Windsor Castle, Piccadilly Circus, and Oxford University!  I was so overwhelmed by the history and beauty of each site, I couldn’t help but return again weeks later. I plan on going to Manchester next week, and touring Europe after my studies.

Myself and other Capilano student, Tommy Lee
Studying in another country is an entirely unique experience.  The university environment here is much different than that of Cap U. There are large lecture halls versus smaller classrooms and more facilities and services available to students. With respect to the courses, students are assessed on 2-3 tests or projects for each class. For example, my modules consist of 1 final exam worth 70% and 1 project worth 30%. This differs from Cap U, where we are assessed by numerous assignments, midterms, and finals. Overall I am now familiar with the system and quite enjoy it. Like Cap U, my professors make my classes interesting and the tutorials are very helpful.
I do plan to take advantage of the remaining time here and see what else England and its surrounding countries have to offer.  Of course I miss my Cap U family but look forward to sharing my experiences upon my return.
Big Ben
Matteo is a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree student at Capilano University. Matteo is studying abroad at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. 


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