The Beginning of My Semester BY Anastasia

Chelsea and I at the John Lennon Wall in Prague
I have only been in Austria for a little over a month and already have so many fun stories and traveling experiences. I am really looking forward to living in this fun city. Vienna and Vancouver have very similar attributes. They both have similar cold weather and occasional rainy days. You can easily drink the tap water unlike other European cities. I huge similarity that I instantly noticed is that I feel very safe basically everywhere in this city. I have made several new friends from all over the world. The one big difference I noticed about Europe in general is the partying. Austrians will stay out until 6 am and still be able to function the next day. This will be a something I will need to adjust to. I am really looking forward to taking my German class even if I am already horrible at German. I am so also excited to visit other countries. Since I landed in Europe in the end of January I’ve already gone to Prague, Budapest, Nuremberg and Vienna. I am so excited to add more and more fun and exciting places to that list.

Chelsea and I at Rathausplatz ice skating in Vienna

Some new friends from FHWien Ice skating at Rathausplatz in Vienna

 Anastasia is a Bachelor of Communications Degree student at Capilano University. Anastasia is studying abroad at the FHWien University of Applied Sciences, Austria. 


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