Michael Dekur: Differences in China

Wow, where to start! Most things I do and experience in everyday life in China are much different than back Canada. Two differences that have really stood out is the amount of people that live here and not being able to use some internet websites. Canton Tower Let’s begin with how many people there are in China. Everywhere I go there is people, people and more people! There is no such thing as an uncrowded sidewalk, metro station or even McDonalds. Unlike in Canada where it is quiet and you have lots of space, in China I constantly get pushed and run into by people. I feel like everyone here is always on a mission to get somewhere. Furthermore, I always have to look both ways before crossing the streets because cars will not stop for you. If anything they speed up when they see a pedestrian in their way. I have learned that cars have the right of way over people! Secondly, is the blockage of internet sites. Everything that I am used to browsing on a daily basis ...