Lea and Hilary: Friday Wanderings

Song of the day: Come Together, The Beatles

When anyone talks about London and music they always have to mention The Beatles. Although they are not the only famous English band and may not be considered the best depending on who you’re talking to, it’s undeniable that they are one of the most well know bands from Britain. This band has such a vast global impact we thought it would be a good choice as we have a multitude of cultures on the trip and The Beatles are a global icon for the U.K. We chose Come together specifically because it is the first song on The Beatles Abbey Road album and the title inspires cohesiveness and cooperation. 

Tate Modern

Finally, it’s Friday, and it’s the second last day till we get back to Vancouver. We gathered at hotel lobby at 9:00 am and we agreed on to take a ferry to Tate Modern. The weather was quite nice today for our adventures around the city. The journey took us about half an hour to get to the destination. We arrived at the museum around 10:15am. Everyone seemed excited to visit Tate Modern, and we decided to have an hour to see everything in the museum, before jetting off to our next activity. The Tate Modern is an art gallery, which holds many contemporary artworks from 1900 until today. An interesting aspect about the Tate Modern is that the gallery sits inside an old power plant right on the Thames River, this creates an industrial and minimalist feel to go along with all the modern art it houses. Below is a picture of one of the pieces of art housed at the Tate Modern.

Albert Oehlen | Loa 2007 | Acrylic paint, oil paint, collage, ink on canvas | support: 1702 x 3102 x 41 mm | Presented by Tate Patrons 2009© Albert Oehlen [1]

An art installation at the entrance of the Tate.
This depicts the harsh contrast of construction and industrial evolution on our environment, restricting them to small areas, some plants dead some alive. Thought provoking art.

Victoria & Albert Museum

To begin with, just a bit intro about V&A and which is totally different from Tate Modern. V&A collects millions of historic and contemporary artworks from all over the world. At V&A you can find a variety of artworks including architecture, fashion, textile, jewelry, photography and even more. Since we arrived at the museum around lunchtime, we decided on to have a group lunch at the museum’s café. I think this was a really great experience to have had, as the lunchroom had the most intricate ceiling with detailed paintings and gold trim all over. Which was contrasted nicely by modern wire light fixtures. One challenge we encountered with this museum was it’s vast size and our small time limit. To really take in and experience all the history and art in the Victoria and Albert Museum you need more then an hour.

Revolution 1960-1970

This is the ceiling in the cafeteria in the Victoria & Albert museum.

This is a Lavin dress from the 1980’s which is
displayed in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Global Radio

At 2pm we arrived at Global Radio in Leicester Square where we had a presentation on the business model of global radio. We were taken into theater and sat in cushy seats while watching a power point on how the company is set up, where their revenue comes from and where they plan to take the company. I found this presentation extremely interesting from a communications and PR perspective. Looking at how a radio media company plans to with stand and prosper in the age of digital music was quite fascinating. I enjoyed having a mixture of tourist activities and having lectures and presentations to give us a well-rounded experience.

The group at Global Radio in Leicester Square

The London Eye

The London eye was a favourite for most of the group. Prior to taking the ride we had a 5 min 4D experience where we flew like a bird all across London. My least favourite part was when we were squirted with foam to replicate the London rain; it got all over my hair and clothes. After that we were able to all pile into one capsule and experience the 360-degree view of London from the top. Up here we got to take some amazing photos! If you are afraid of heights I would be cautious of  doing this activity when visiting London.


The group on the London Eye

Lea is a student in Bachelor on Business Administration and Hilary is studying in Bachelor of Communications. They have fulfilled the 2016 London Field School at Capilano University.

[1] http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/display/painting-after-technology


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