Iris, Jessica and Nik: Exclusives in London

Song Of The Day: I heart emoticon

We decided to choose I heart emoticon U by Oshi for our song of the day as it is firstly by a young creative artist at the age of 17 born and raised out of the city called Islington, UK which is very close to where we visited in Shoreditch yesterday. He also related to our tour leader Ben Slow’s idea of wanting to leave London to start his own sound in another country as he is very often traveling to Los Angeles where its easier for him to grow as an artist because his genre of music is much more popular there. Our tour guide related with this too as he was determined to leave Shoreditch to pursue his street art in other cities around the world.

Today our first destination was going to University of Greenwich to discuss that we attended walking tour in Shoreditch before yesterday. We left ibis hotel at 10 am, and walked about 15 minutes. We arrived and needed to sing in. Our room was on the second floor. Robin talked us and gave assignment paper, we had to be a group and had 45 minutes to discuss or search information then presentation about it for 10 minutes. After 45 minutes, we had five groups and each group were professional. When all group finished presentation, there was a teacher evaluated our presentation.

We got to the Lloyds around noon in formal outfits. People were decided into two groups to have a one-hour tour that helped us to get to know more about the place. After the tour, we took a group picture at the door to end the visits at Lloyds

After Lloyds of London we had a delicious dinner at a small Korean Japanese restaurant called Lime Orange, which was just across the street from the theatre. The food was quite delicious and some of our favorite meals so far in London. We were quite surprised, as you sometimes never know what to expect from a small restaurant; which accommodated just our class and not many more!

Our last destination was at the Apollo Theatre watching the live musical Wicked. This was based on the Wizard of Oz telling us the back story of the evil witch of the west before what anyone would know of her evil self. Overall compared to Canada we were quite shocked of how many younger adults and youth were watching this live theatre performance. Back home in Vancouver older viewers view most theatre performances like this. We were also really impressed with the live band and how talented the actors and actresses were at singing and keeping their composure while swinging or hanging way up in the air. Overall we feel like this was a great way to end our very long and exciting day!

Nik is studying in Bachelor of Business Administration, and Iris and Jessica are in Tourism Management for International Students. They have fulfilled the 2016 London Field School.


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