Mateo Hernandez: Remember Every Moment, Because It Will Never Be The Same

Studying abroad is a once in a life experience. The beginning is a bit awkward. You will arrive at a new residence with a load of people you have never met. You will realize you are in need of household items you didn't think you would need ( like dish rags or something as little as toothpaste ). The important thing is just to take that first step and make the effort to connect with the other students you will be going to school with. By doing that you will realize that there are more people than you thought in the same boat as you.

The first couple of weeks will be all about meeting new people and getting comfortable with your host University. The way the classes are set up can be confusing, as well as figuring out the fastest and most reliable way to get to and back home from the University. The good thing is that you will be surrounded by other confused student. So the best thing to do is lean on them a bit and get as much information as you can about different opportunities.

As soon as a couple of weeks have past and you are forming strong ties with the other students in your Erasmus (International Student body) there will be countless opportunities for all of you to travel together. There is nothing like traveling with a group for more than 60 of your friend and invading a foreign city to tour and party. It is one of the best experiences you will ever have. Make sure you remember every second of it.

Along the way you will meet a core group of people that will become your closest friend while you are away. This is normal ... you will go on smaller trips with them and have amazing times. Make sure you don't forget about the rest of the International Students though, because every single person is unique and some of them may surprise you if you take the time to spend it with them. Remember that once you come home, these students you shared your time with, with be potential friends for life who will always have a welcoming home to visit in the future.

You will probably never be able to experience something like Studying Abroad. Even if you anticipate and prepare for your time abroad ... plans will change. You will meet people who will talk you into - AND - out of previously made trips. This again, is normal. You will spend more money on some things than you expected ... and you will save money on others. Remember that money comes and goes and the important thing is that you don't miss out on experiences that you will remember for the rest of your life. Enjoy ever single moment of it, because once you come back home to the real world, things will never be the same. It is the best time of your life.

Life is good!


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