Alysha Moles: A Bend in the Road Is Not The End of the Road Unless You Fail To Make The Turn

My biggest bend in the road happened nearly a month ago when I transferred roles. As a participant in the International College Program we are required to complete a role rotation unless your role consists of Front Desk, Concierge, or Life Guard. I expected it to be a great opportunity for me to experience different aspects of the Disney company but unlike the majority of other international cast members I was transferred into a job of the same sector.

My first job was in Full Service Food and Beverage and I am now located in Quick Service Food and Beverage. With that being said there are a handful of differences and the restaurant works entirely different from my previous location but the new job wasn’t nearly close to what I expected. On top of it all I had to leave a place that I was just finally beginning to feel settled and comfortable and start the whole learning process all over again.

 It was very difficult for me especially leaving all the friends I made and submersing myself in a unfamiliar environment where I did not know anybody. The first few days were rough. I was barely getting to know anybody. On my first training shift I was twenty minutes late because the bus decided it wasn’t going to show up and when I talked to a leader they didn’t seem too interested and gave me the impression that they couldn’t do anything about it. I continued showing up to work hating my job and would count down the minutes until I was finished for the day. But knowing that I would have to come back the next day made it even more difficult.

My parents showing up the next week may have been the best thing for me. At first I was unbelievably annoyed and frustrated that I was unable to get any time off for the ten days they were here but if they didn’t show up at this time I could have struggled a lot longer than I did. When they arrived I had explained to them everything that had happened and they both offered to bring me home.

I couldn’t even believe the words coming out of their mouth. They knew I had the strength and courage to forge through it but they would never make me do something that I was not happy with. Having them as a support system really helped me realize how easily it was for me to give up and leave but what strength and character it would take to change my thoughts and be positive.

Having them visit rejuvenated me and made me more motivated than ever to fight through the next two months. Nearly four weeks later and I’m starting to feel settled. No, it’s still not the greatest job in the world but I have to be appreciative of the opportunity that I’ve been given. If I wasn’t here in Orlando gaining this experience I never would have met some of the amazing people I’ve come in contact with nor would I have learnt things about myself.

Sometimes life won’t always be what you expect or hope for but all the twists and turns along the way are what shape you and define you as a person. It’s up to you whether you want to hold on tight for the ride or to give up entirely before it even begins.“

“Who knows where life will take you the road is long and in the end the journey is the destination.”


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