Cheyenne Kuckein: Dora the Explorer Life

Okay, so I finally know what it feels like to be Dora the Explorer. Don't let her dorky haircut and pink tee-shirt fool you, people, that woman is a trooper. FACT: backpacks are heavy and travelling is hard. Trust me, I just experienced two sleepless weeks of it.

During these sleepless two weeks of my school's Spring break I saw northern Spain, southern France, and northern Italy. Living in Europe is serious money. Just a one hour bus ride can take you to a drastically different landscape, culture, and language. So yeah, although Dora Life is hard at times it is certainly never boring. Tell me Dora, what freaking app do you have on your cell phone to prevent you from ever getting lost!?

During my travels, my friend Solveig from Norway was my Boots. We visited la Sagrada Familia together in Barcelona, hiked Les Calanques together in Marseille, and saw our first REAL Caravaggio masterpiece together in Rome (The Conversion of Saint Paul-- it was breathtaking!).

Dora, how is there not a single episode of you and Boots in an utter food coma? It is seriously not accurate of the back pack life at all. Together Boots (aka Sol) and I had the luxury of experiencing a cannoli coma, capuccino coma, paella coma, gelato coma, pizza coma, churros con chocolate coma, and baguette coma. What a trip. So much coma.

If food coma-ing or the Dora life is something you're into, definitely Study Abroad. Trust me, by the time your exchange is over you will never doubt Dora's mental or physical grit again. Like I said, backpacks are heavy and travelling is hard.
Cheyenne Kuckein is a Capilano University Business Administration student currently studying abroad at École de Management de Normandie in Caen, France.


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