2016 China Field School: Huizhou

For the first time in a few days, we got the opportunity to sleep in a tad. Some took advantage of the time to get out to the lake in Huizhou or try the gym out at the Kande. After this we assembled and attended an awesome dim sum meal at the Kande with special company like Lin and his wife attending. Each food dish was exquisite and had rich flavour. Was an amazing experience! Kashif mentioned to me at the meal that he has been keeping a step count of our travels so far.

We as a group have averagely traveled over 8 kms a day for all the days that we have been here in China. I find this astounding, and maybe by the end of this trip the number will be even higher. After the great meal, everyone broke off to do their own things. Myself and 3 others went to get some feet and back work done at the Kande Hotel massage area. Was even more amazing than the day before! Kaaren enjoyed the massage experience thoroughly! Others went to enjoy more scenic sites at West Lake, shop or rest during this time. Later on, we got back together as a group and headed over to the Huizhou University.

We visited local students there and took part in a traditional Hakka meal. Was very yummy! Mark, Tom, Robert, Andrea and some others like myself took an offer by local students to do laundry while we were at the university. Since we were coming back tomorrow, we could pick up our clothes then. Was a good find as laundry places in China are scarce and/or too expensive otherwise. After the meal and laundry, we attended an event called English Corner. This was an event where local students and our group of Cap students could talk and exchange perspectives and work at figuring out each other’s languages! Was definitely the highlight of the day if not the trip as a whole. After a great evening at the university we headed back to the hotel and called it a night.

Waking up on our last full day in Huizhou was tough as a lot of the group has caught a cold of sorts. This happens when you’re on the go a lot. Everyone generally is in good health! We had a decent breakfast at the hotel and then headed to the Kande so we could hop on a bus to take us on some factory tours in Huizhou.
Not too long later, we arrive at our first factory of the day, Ledman. Ledman is an LED company that is known around the world for their LED products. Their lights range from small to huge sizes and can come in many custom designs and for many uses.

After touring the factory we grabbed some lunch in their canteen. After Ledman we went to the another factory a little ways away. The weather was stormy and thunder and lighting surrounded us but we made it to our destination, Quibon. Quibon was a phone/tablet software and manufacturing company. Ahmed pointed out how interesting it was to see their supply chain and how it moved from each stage to the next.

After a short visit we were on our way back to Huizhou University. When we arrived, the ones who did laundry got a chance to pick them up. Precious was very pleased with this service. From there we went to the university’s canteen for dinner and enjoyed another special local meal 😊. All the food here was great and tasted amazing! After we have our fill, we moved over to a presentation hall to enjoy a show set up by the students of Huizhou University. There were five big points in the presentation that covered local musical instruments, Chinese knots, paper cut outs, and calligraphy! Turki really enjoyed trying out the unique instruments! Everyone had an amazing time!

From there we said good bye to all our new friends at Huizhou University and headed back to the hotel. When we got back some of the group decided to go out for one more night in the city while others decided to call it a night early and rest for a travel day tomorrow. Huizhou was a great experience!

This group of CapU students and faculty are currently in China on the 2016 China Field School offered through the Wong and Trainor Centre for International Experience and the School of Business at Capilano University.


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