Natalie Szuk: Three Months Down, And Another Three To Go

It’s crazy to think that my study abroad experience is already half way over. As soon as I hit the three –month mark, my European bubble popped and reality start to hit me. I was already half way through this adventure and I would soon be coming home. This realization made me start to reflect on everything that has happened in this short amount of time that feels like much longer than it really has been. When I first got to Vienna, everything was so new and unfamiliar which made me feel nervous and unsure. Having lived in North Vancouver my whole life, I was used to the familiarity of every street and every building around. As time as gone by, the unfamiliarity has started to fade and I have adapted to this city becoming my new home. Although I may have three more months left until I return back home, I will be leaving Vienna mid June, meaning I only really have a month left here. Realistically thinking, once the school aspect of this adventure ends and the traveling begins, the fin...