Bryce Robinson: Linked-In China

While we’ve visited many places on this trip so far and seen things that I never thought I would see, one of the things that has most impacted me is not something that can be captured in a picture. Nor is it something unique to China. As the 18-year-old who is the youngest on the trip – by I think four years or so – what I have most benefited from is the advice and experiential knowledge that members of the group have instilled in me. And no, I need not come all the way to China to achieve this but what better a way to connect and hear the story of such a diverse group of people than studying and traveling a foreign country with them?

What I learnt was not only the importance of making and keeping professional contacts but also the means to do it. Before this trip I considered networking fairly important, but what I have found is that it is quintessential if one wants to succeed. As Gonzo told me before we discussed his past experiences and philosophies, 70% of job openings are not posted. To me, this is a huge indicator of the importance of connections. China further revealed that connections are especially important when it comes to doing business internationally. This was specifically emphasized during the Canton fair, when the entire group’s mindset was on importing goods and/or services to Canada.

I plan to utilize all of the advice I was given, as I believe all of it was valuable, but at the same time the need for connections in the business place really makes me question whether that is the way it should be. Granted, an employer may already have established a good relationship that is based on core values such as trust and mutual respect with a contact and the employer would save themselves the tedious process of interviewing a number of potential candidates, which in itself is sometimes worth it, but it still raises the question of whether the focus should be more on what one knows and not who one knows. So far, I do not think I have nearly enough experience to provide an adequate answer but with the completion of this trip, the rest of my schooling and future workplace challenges, I am sure that I will be able to better answer this question.


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