Hong Kong is one of the most amazing cities in the
world today we did so many things that I don’t know where to start; we used
almost every possible method of transportation. In the morning we went to Tian
Tan Buddha Statue. To get to the Buddha we took a 45 minutes long gondola ride.
It was quite windy and it was swinging our gondola quite a bit at some point the
fog was so thick that all we could see was fog. The view from the gondola was
quite amazing there was a long trail for hiking, it has become one of my new
future plans to come back to Hong Kong and hike that trail one day. When we got
up to the top it was so beautiful the air was so thick and misty that it was
quite impossible to see the Buddha, but I managed to get a decent shot. Seeing
the Buddha was a very peaceful experience, Breathing was so much easier. I
would recommend any one to go and experience the peace and serenity of the
Buddha. Afterwards we went back to the hotel for 10 minutes and ran to catch a
1 hour long boat ride to see Hong Kong we got on the boat on the main land and
got off on an island took a double decker bus to catch a tram to go on top of
the mountain. The tram ride was going up a 45 degree angle the whole time and
it took around 20 minutes.

When we got up there the view of Hong Kong was absolutely breath
taking. There were beautiful walk ways all around and at some point when I was
walking I noticed some butterflies, I looked around and saw these beautiful
orange butterflies all around me. It was an unbelievably amazing experience
We came back
down from the sky line view around 7:30. Took a double decker bus again then
took a ferry and got to the hotel, most of the group went out for dinner but I
was quite tired and went to the hotel and went for a nice swim.
Our last day in Hong
Kong was a once in a life time experience and even though sometimes we felt
like we couldn’t walk any more, we
walked more, we talked more, and we laughed more. This trip has been one of the
best experiences of my life and I’m so glad I made the decision to join this
group. My group members are all lots of fun and easy to get along with. They
are all easy going and we don’t have any fussy personalities in our group. We
have formed a new family and have only been 4 days in to our trip; I have a
feeling we are going to miss each other a lot after this trip is over. I know
that I’m going to look back at this trip in the future and think about how much
I miss all of this adventure.
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