Tyler Belich: Are We There Yet?

Well here we are, 16 hours until take off and its just starting to hit me. We are leaving for China!  I do not know if the word excited can even be used to describe what I am feeling right now but if I had to pick a word to describe my feelings this very moment I would have to say I am thrilled. There is so much that I am looking forward to seeing and experiencing on this trip. If I had to pick one thing that I am looking forward to the most I would have to say… the food! Oh and maybe the Forbidden City.  Honestly there is so many amazing site that we are going to see over the next three weeks it is hard to pick just one. Whether it is roaming the markets, hiking the Great Wall, or early morning Taichi classes this is going to be the trip of a lifetime.
I know that there are many differences between China and Vancouver. I am expecting it to be crowded, busy, and congested. I am expecting a big culture shock when arriving in China.  Differences in social norms, people, and food will all be fascinating to experience first hand.  There is a lot of History in China and I am looking forward to learning first hand instead of reading in a textbook. I love experiencing new things and feel that experiencing China will help me grow as an individual and gain the perspective of learning and socialize in a surrounding that is foreign.
I hope to gain knowledge and experience from this trip. Experiences are valuable in everyday life and I see the China Study Tour as the perfect experience for me in the pursuit of my Bachelors of Business. I hope that seeing and learning how people do business over seas will give me a new perspective on business as well as open my eyes to some new career paths. In addition, being able to witness the culture, learn mannerisms, and partake in one on one interaction will help me in life situation and in future business situations. Most importantly, I hope this trip gives me a competitive advantage when looking for a job in the future.  Personally, I have started to get to know some of the people on the tour and I hope that I am able to make some strong friendships on this trip. I hope to learn, grow, and live China with no regrets. Try new things and share experiences with new people.

I am stoked to get this show on the road. Good people, good times, and good memories awaits.  Are we there yet?


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