Mike Lee: GBP £1 = CAD $1
I did take a few finance classes and learned what Budgeting is.
I understood the subject well enough to manage my own money and plan ahead. Obviously that was not true. I totally underestimated my purchasing power and spending habits. Besides, England’s prices and their exchange rate were beyond my budgeting knowledge.
Despite the fact that I need to carefully spend money, I created my own illusion of exchange rate: GBP £1 = CAD $1
As soon as I created my own imaginary exchange rate, every thing seemed affordable. My journey started off brilliantly.
My favourite part of study abroad is that no one knows who I am. In other words, I can be whomever I want. “Wear suit like a businessman, speak like a businessman, act like businessman, and Think like a business man. Then, you are a businessman.” Yes. It was the perfect time to choose one and act one.
Guess who I wanted to be? I wanted to be a CANADIAN!
Of course I am Canadian. I have lived in Canada for more than 6 years and now I am in the UK with a Canadian passport. However, I never admitted to myself that I was. My values and thoughts were built in Korea and they do not change as my passport does.
Of course I am Canadian. I have lived in Canada for more than 6 years and now I am in the UK with a Canadian passport. However, I never admitted to myself that I was. My values and thoughts were built in Korea and they do not change as my passport does.
Long story short! We (Andrea and Zhen from Capilano U) went to a CANADIAN PUB in London. Of course ordered ‘I AM CANADIAN’
A couple of days ago, I went to the gym and the receptionist asked where I was from.
I said where I am from and she said….
“I love your Canadian accent!”
Study abroad, You completed me.
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