Louise Wirtz: The Land of Oz

From the moment I stepped off the plane I was ecstatic to feel sunshine and know that I had no plans (for the first time in years!). I found a hostel and get to know the downtown before meeting a fantastically hospitable family who took me in, helped me find a place, fed me and furnished my room when I left.  They were like my borrowed family and I couldn’t have had a better situation.  This beginning of my stay was wholly preparing me for the hospitality and friendliness ahead too, from then on everyone I met was instantly welcoming and open to helping with anything – I didn’t even have to ask.  Everything I had worried about pre departure I was forced to rid from my memory to make room for all the new people I met! 

Now, I’ve set up my life in a way that I always try to back home and I have extracurricular activities planned every weeknight including rock climbing and volleyball, I joined a club at school and met other exchange students, my roommates are fantastic and always offering to help me out and I can already see how I’ll miss this place when I leave.  Also, I walk to school every day, which is a first in my life!  I’ve always wished I could walk to school, so it’s just been like a little cherry on top of the whole great experience.

But it’s not all sunshine, there was a lot of flooding and a cold summer. In fact, some days were as cold as 20 degrees Celsius. Everyone here complains about the cold; cold being just below room temperature. This was horrible for a Canadian, unacceptable really, I could barely tolerate such abuse from what I thought was going to be the tropics.  (hehe.) For the last 3 weeks roughly, it has been at least 20 degrees up to 30 in the mid day, I love having the sunshine through what is the rainy, cloudy season back home because it’s so hard to be sad when the sun’s shining! 
I’ve found suddenly I enjoy doing my readings for class (another first, sorry Cap…) and I’m just a train ride away from Sydney harbor, beaches, or the famous Blue Mountains.  I couldn’t have asked for a more sweet-sounding study abroad, and I recommend everyone give some travel mixed with study a chance in order to see from another culture’s perspective, get a break from home and meet new people in new places from all around the world.


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