Ania Bureacenco: Once Upon A Time in Europe.....

My Eurotrip started on June 27th, 2012, when I left Vancouver, and went to Belgrade, Serbia. I have visited many places since then, and hopefully many more to come until I leave December 23rd, 2012. Marked red on the map are the places I have already been to since my arrival. First on my trip was Belgrade, Serbia, where I spent a week exploring the city and the culture. The food was amazing, and the city old and beautiful. Then I went to Bosnia and Herzegovina where I visited Banja Luka, Stari Most, and Prijedor. I was also there for my best friend's wedding, and ended up having an amazing time at a traditional Bosnian wedding. After that, my friend and I went to Croatia, where we also visited numerous places. We went to Plitvicka Jezera, Split, Omis, and Baska Voda. All very beautiful in their own way. After Croatia, I went on to Copenhagen, Denmark, where I met more friends. We got to go on the canals, see C...