Taysia Ross: Floods, Spiders, and Injuries Oh My!

My group of friends and I have this joke about how everything bad happens to me because since I have arrived in Orlando, I have had a lot of unpleasant things occur.  So many things have not gone well while on this trip that now when I tell my friends that something else bad has happened all we can do is just laugh. I figured that this is where I could document some of the major misfortunes that have happened to me while living in Florida.

When we first arrived in Orlando we found a club that was so fun and always had great music. We later found out that this club was cursed. The second time I went there, my flip flops completely broke and so did one of my friends. That wasn’t that big of a deal so I decided to go there again. That next time, I had my phone and both of my Disney ID’s stolen, which ended up costing me over $200 to replace. Sadly, this is only the begging of my unfortunate events.

A couple of days later I bought a new cell phone and things were back to normal.  I was really tired that night so I went to bed early. At about 4am my roommate woke me up and told me that the floor was really wet. I turned on the light and saw that our room was completely flooded. This was already bad enough but then I looked down on the floor and saw that since I was so tired that night before, I had left my cell phone and laptop on the ground which was now floating in the water. We then realized that it wasn’t just our room that was flooded, it was our entire floor and we were evacuated out of the apartment and relocated to a place in the back of Vista Way that I like to call “Narnia”. We later found out that a pipe had burst in the floor above us and that is why our place flooded.  Since my cell phone and computer were destroyed I asked if Disney would be able to do anything for me and their response was no because I did not have renter’s insurance.  So that event cost me another $600.
At our new apartment, within the first week our dishwasher and shower broke which was a great way to start.  Although housing did fix these problems, they didn’t come for several days which was very frustrating.  Now my newest housing problem happened last week.  My roommate and I discovered that we had a spider infestation in our room. We called Disney to get an exterminator to come in but they said that we would have to wait a week. It was horrible and for 4 days I ended up sleeping on my friends couches because there were too many spiders. Thankfully, after calling housing enough times to complain, we did get it exterminated on the fifth day and all of the spiders are now gone.

Between all of the housing chaos, I tried to relax by playing a soccer game with the other people from Capilano. After the game I realized that the top of my foot was starting to hurt. Later that week my foot swelled to twice its size and I could barely walk on it. I had to go to the doctors to get X-rays done. Fortunately, it was only sprained but I did have to wear a foot brace for a while which was very ugly.  It is now all healed but I was in pain for a few weeks.

The one good thing that has come out of all of this misfortune is that I know I am a much stronger person because of it.  If all of this had happened even 6 months before I had come here, I would have broken down and had been very stressed.  I think having the support of my amazing group of friends while I have been down here has really made it easier to get through everything. They are always supportive and they have all offered to help me whenever I needed it. They are able to make me laugh at the problems and not dwell on the negative. Although I might have made it sound like I am having a terrible time, that it not the case at all.  I love my job and working for Disney and I have so many memories that I will keep with me for the rest of my life. If I had the chance to do this program all over again thus far including the good and the bad, I would choose to in a heartbeat because this has been one of best times of my life and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. 

Great times with the group from the Boardwalk Hotel

My roommate and I attempting to fix our shower when it was broken….

Just some of the amazing friends I have made here


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