Ania Bureacenco: Once Upon A Time in Europe.....

 My Eurotrip started on June 27th, 2012, when I left Vancouver, and went to Belgrade, Serbia. I have visited many places since then, and hopefully many more to come until I leave December 23rd, 2012. Marked red on the map are the places I have already been to since my arrival.

First on my trip was Belgrade, Serbia, where I spent a week exploring the city and the culture. The food was amazing, and the city old and beautiful.

Then I went to Bosnia and Herzegovina where I visited Banja Luka, Stari Most, and Prijedor. I was also there for my best friend's wedding, and ended up having an amazing time at a traditional Bosnian wedding.  

 After that, my friend and I went to Croatia, where we also visited numerous places. We went to Plitvicka Jezera, Split, Omis, and Baska Voda. All very beautiful in their own way.

After Croatia, I went on to Copenhagen, Denmark, where I met more friends. We got to go on the canals, see Crown Jewels, and visit an Ice Bar in the middle of summer. These action packed 3 days resulted in a lot of tours and city visits, as well as family time with my friends, where I got to experience the Danish culture first hand.

Then from Denmark, I got to drive down with a friend through Europe to the south-coast of France, where I stayed in Nice for five days. We got to go to Monaco for two days after that, and had an amazing time there too. Both places were so beautiful, we just wished we had more time to see more of the coast.

Italy was next on my list, where I got to stay with a family for three and a half weeks on the island of Sardegna, in Alghero. From there we got to travel to Stintino, and another couple coast cities. This is where I spent a lot of time on the beach, relaxing, and learning some Italian with this family (and learning how to look after three boys). The beaches and water were so untouched and beautiful, most times I couldn't believe my eyes.

 Next, I visited a friend in Kalmar, Sweden, where I spent a week relaxing, after relaxing :). Preparing myself mentally for school in September, and meeting many new friends.

Then, September 1st, 2012, I finally arrived in Vienna, Austria. I got to see the Schonbrunn palace, Stephansdom, Mozart concert, and Romeo and Juliet Ballet, as well as many other parts of the city, and beach time with all my new-found Erasmus student friends. While in Austria, I also got to visit Salzburg, and try hand made Mozart balls that were amazing. Next on the list for Austria - Innsbruck.

A few weeks into my study semester here, Kelsey and I decided to take a little trip to Munich, Germany for a weekend, and experience Oktoberfest. We were lucky to have my friend Sandy show us around, and show us a good time at Oktoberfest 2012.

A bunch of students organized our first trip together - to Prague, Czech Republic. The city was very beautiful, the weather was great, and the history amazing.

Budapest, Hungary was next on the list. Once again, another amazing European city with a lot of history, and yet another castle on top of a mountain. This was organized by the school, and we got to go with a lot of students on this trip.

Last but not least, the trip to Bratislava, Slovakia in the beginning of November. I really liked this city as well, and hope to visit some more before I leave.

The best thing about studying in Austria, is that it is so central. Most trips are just a bus or a train ride away. Nothing is too far.


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