Drew Dannes: Drew's time in Aichi!

The biggest thing that has helped me so far while in Japan is making the effort to use my Japanese whenever possible.  When I find myself with free time at school, I will walk around and ask random people what they are doing.  I have made some really good friends already by doing this, and my time in Japan is so much more enjoyable now that I have some awesome friends to hang out with and help me learn the language.  All of my favourite experiences so far are with these friends!

We went strawberry picking, went on road trips to quiet island villages, ate at some 1 table restaurants, and have more exciting things planned for the near future like going to a concert, and even a smash bros. Tournament in a neighbouring city!

If you are a shy type of person, try and follow this advice:  Pretend that everyone you meet is your best friend, and just talk to them as you would normally!  Put yourself in as many situations where making friends can be possible, and your experiences will start from there.  For instance I have joined a music band club, jogging club, volleyball club, and soccer club, in addition to my classes.  Speak your mind and let people know when something is troubling you, as you may feel like your problems are unsolvable.  But if you don't try to get help from people, you will be stuck dealing with whatever it is by yourself, which can be very stressful. 
I feel like I should be studying 24/7 since some of my classes are incredibly difficult, but finding a balance between relaxing, socializing (I am introverted so hanging out with my new friends is very tiring sometimes, especially when you can only use Japanese!) and studying- is something I need to discover for myself. 

Rent is expensive and purchasing food is expensive so take care to manage your finances carefully!  I just purchased some gifts for my family back in Canada and inadvertently spent my $200 worth of food allowance for the month, so I am stuck being hungry for a little while.  Plan ahead! 

But... Planning isn't always the best way to do things!  Spontaneous decisions are often the best ways to experience a new place.  Go bike to that cool place off in the distance, go talk to the person who seems a little stressed (maybe they need a friend just as much as you do!) And perhaps most importantly, say yes to every opportunity when given the chance.  JUST DO IT!

Drew Dannes is a Capilano University student in the Liberal Studies program who is currently studying abroad at Aichi Gakusen college in Okazaki, Aichi, Japan.


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