Anastasia Gassieva: 2nd Blog Post

I am really enjoying myself here in Vienna, Austria. I’ve enjoyed all my classes and I’ve enjoyed making new friends from all over the globe. My classes are very interesting, especially my German language class. It is definitely my most challenging class. I have a rough understanding of the language now and I see that as a huge advantage in my future. Since coming to Europe in January I’ve travelled to seven different countries and have experienced and learnt so much. I am so excited to share my experiences with my friends and family. I am NOT looking forward to coming home. I love Vienna so much. I wish I had the opportunity to stay for a year and work or go to school. Vienna is amazing and I am definitely going to recommend this host institution to all of my friends. Me and my roommate at the beer stein market in front of the Parliament Building in Vienna, Austria. Me in front of the Eiffel Tower In Paris, France. New Friends doing a...