Kevin Rudd: First Month in Vienna

Thus far I am very impressed with how much there is to do and see in Vienna. Every day I stumble upon an impressive building, historical site, or district that is completely foreign from what I am used to seeing in Vancouver. Just walking around ordinary streets, visiting a café or bar can be highly entertaining. Everything that I want to see in Vienna is extremely convenient to transit to, which gives me the freedom to visit places in the city that I have constantly heard about from locals or seen in pictures. 

For the months to come I am very excited to enjoy the spring and summer seasons. From what I have heard so far, these seasons are incredibly fun and beautiful in Vienna.  My Viennese friends’ excitement for the warmer months to come has provided me with a lot of excitement as I can see how much they enjoy this time of the year, by the way they talk about stories or ordinary weekends and weekdays that are routine for them. I am not only excited to start spending different seasons in Vienna, but I cannot wait to start exploring Europe with other incoming students or friends from Vancouver. 

Planning and organizing for the trips to come makes me realize how awesome of an opportunity studying abroad in Vienna is. I have already been able to easily visit countries and do things that I have always dreamed of, with new friends from around the world. In the following months I will be visiting cities and seeing sites that I have always heard about or been hoping to see for many years. Just the thought of traveling to these destinations provides me with added excitement for my time abroad. 

Kevin is a Capilano University Bachelor of Business Administration student studying abroad at FHWien University of Applied Sciences in Vienna, Austria 


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