Alex McMordie: Excusez-moi! parlez-vous anglais?

One of the biggest things that I feel every single person runs into is the fact that the world is so different outside our home town. We forget that different cultures have different meanings for words, actions and even ways of going about everyday life. France has many of both sides to this situation. Many things felt just like home when experienced and many things constantly felt or sounded strange because they were so different.

Now that everything is settled in some of the differences that remain are actually quite positive. Bordeaux is different in a way that I don't know if Vancouver could ever achieve. Maybe its the culture maybe its because its a university town but it has something that Cap and Vancouver don’t. The university and town are so involved, people know each other people from the same university are constantly networking and partying together. Without even having a large social area like a library INSEEC has once of the strongest student networking presences I have experienced in my university time spent.

Even though every person says the same thing over and over that travelling is the best thing you can ever do with your life. I feel its meaning gets twisted even though I agree. The reason of course that everyone loves it is because of the parties and all the fun your gonna have. But if that was not a factor still the benefits are very obvious and apparent. You will learn a lot about yourself, about the people in your life and what you want to do.

As much as I enjoy the city and school in Bordeaux, I have really started to enjoy the trips to other cities and places. It’s such a cool feeling knowing that you are going to wake up in a completely different city possibly 3 times in a week. That there is so much to see and do each and every day. I must say that the big euro trip is starting to get on my radar and I am getting very excited for that.

Was I nervous very much so. But I view nervous as a good thing. If your not nervous about the challenge your about to face. Are you really facing a challenge?

Alex is a third year Bachelor of Business Administration student studying abroad at INSEEC Business School in Bordeaux, France.


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