Rebecca Rosen: Adventure Is Out There!

Walt Disney once quoted “If you can dream it, you can do it”. This quote has been my words to live by since I started the application process for the Disney International Program in October 2012. Here we are two years later, and I still find that quote inspirational in everything I do. 

Working for the Walt Disney Company is an experience like no other. I love watching the behind the scenes work that make magic happen everyday. I’ve been working in Outdoor Foods in the Magic Kingdom. This job wasn’t my first choice, but it has been a learning experience. I’ve learned to find the positive aspects with a job I really didn’t enjoy at first. Now I love going to work, I’ve made friends at work and I love creating magic, and watching magic being created! 

I’ve made friends from all over the world. At first I was intimidated to come to Disney not knowing anyone, but I created a family here. I don’t know what I would do without my friends here, they keep me grounded, and enjoying every moment. 

It’s been a crazy two and a half months. But I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. They tell you when you get here, that there are good days, and there are bad days. This was the best piece of advice to listen to because its so true. At the end of the day we all appreciate that we work at one of the biggest tourism destinations in the world. This doesn’t come without its challenges, but its one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had. I’ve learned the importance of having someone to lean on (my friends), how time management is important (juggling my social life, work and school), and of course enjoy every moment and taking every opportunity for what it is. 

Another one of my favourite quotes “You don’t have to find out your dying to start living” sticks with me here. From the application process, to getting accepted, to living this experience, is a dream come true, and I try not to take any of it for granted. I can’t believe that I’m half way through my program, and there are still so many things to look forward to. I can’t wait to see what the rest of this experience has for me. 

Rebecca is a third year Tourism Management student participating in the Disney International Program.


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