Katy Brady: Got That Travel Bug


I continue to be astounded by the amount of amazing opportunities that I’ve been able to have while studying abroad here in Vienna, Austria. The last month has been filled with amazing trips and memories, and I know it’s only going to get better from here. So far, I have been to Bratislava, Salzburg, Prague, Innsbruck, and Verona. Next up, Amsterdam, Scotland, Croatia, and hopefully a day trip to Hallstatt. The summer months are approaching and I can already tell that spending the summer in Vienna is going to be gorgeous. I feel so extremely blessed to be having this experience and sometimes, must stop and remind myself of how amazing a single moment can be. This experience has definitely opened my eyes to what this wonderful world has to offer and everything that we have to be grateful for.  I’ve gained a greater appreciation for time, different cultures, friends, family, and much more.

Although I often think of Vancouver and how I would love to be back in my beautiful home town, I remember that once this experience ends, I will only want to get out and explore once again. It’s been said that life is not meant to be lived in one place, and I completely understand this view point now and absolutely agree. The love of adventure has grown within me and I can’t imagine staying in one place for an extended amount of time. I now know that there is so much to be learnt about the world that only travelling can give you. Travelling also gives you an increased knowledge of who you are and what you still have to learn. Travelling is not only a fun experience, but such a growing experience, like I mentioned in the first blog that I wrote. I am constantly gaining more confidence in myself as well as discovering new aspects of who I am and what I value in this life.
I can’t wait to see what the final 3 months of this experience will bring. If it is anything like what I have already experienced, I know I will be returning to Vancouver a stronger person.

Katy Brady is a third year Bachelor of Communications Studies student. She is currently on a semester exchange at FHWien University of Applied Sciences in Vienna, Austria. Katy also participated in the 2012 Guatemala Field School.


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