Tyler Belich: Finally, My Time Has Come!

After a day of travel by plane and train I find myself staring at a concrete monastery… This is where I will be spending the next six months of my life, Franziskushaus, and I could not be happier. I arrived with Harleen and Alicia five days before orientation. It was not raining like in Vancouver but we did find snow and minus degree weather. Instantly thought, I did not pack for snow but at least my spring cloths will be clean when it warms up.  We were able to get situated and learn our way around town. This was not too hard because the other students were very helpful and Dullekin/ Olten is not that big. Surprisingly, I did not get too home sick. I am guessing it is because the first weekend I was off to Zurich to watch hockey, which made me feel right at home. Orientation was on the 18th and was followed by two weeks of trial classes… take note Canada. This let us see what we were getting into and let us cater a schedule that fit our personal needs aka travel!!!

After the first meek of trial classes we found it necessary to reward ourselves by going snowboarding, so off to Grindelwald to boarded the Swiss Alps. Oh and did I mention we are not the only Canadians. There are seven of us here from Canada, which made it feel even more like home.  After a long day of boarding and a night in a hostel it was back to reality or at least semi reality, my last week of trial classes. I find the classes to be similar to our classes at Capilano. Small, interactive classes which so far are quite interesting.

So far the only thing I have an issues with in Switzerland is to cost of being a foreign student, even more so the cost of being a foreign student over the age of 25. Since I am over 25, 26 to be exact, I am unable to get the same train/ bus passes as the students that are under 25. Really its not that big of a deal, I just need something to write that was informative or frustrating because so far this experience has been life changing and positive.

Zurich Lions

Fast-forward two weeks, and I have registered for my classes, traveled to Munich or as the locals call it München, I seem to be finding my grove. The Swiss life is very simple and I love that coming from a big busy city. Learning to live with less and being self-sufficient is something that everyone should experience. I know that this experience will change me for the best!

Well this is it so far, off to Madrid this weekend for more suffering. Hope all is well in Canada because in Switzerland, life just keeps getting better.


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