Alicia Catalano: Hopeless Wanderer

Living on my own in a foreign country has surpassed all of my expectations. I’ve only been here a month and a half and its crazy how much I’ve already learnt about myself. I’ve had to exercise patience and understanding, especially living in a house full of people from different cultures who have different communication styles. I am thankful for this experience because patience is something that I really need to work on. I find it so interesting how we automatically click with people from similar cultures, who have similar communication styles. I’ve grown really close with the other North Americans here already and I see other close relationships forming between the other exchange students who come from the same culture. I get along really well with the other exchange students as well but moving forward I want to make much more of an effort to really get to know them on a personal level. I think doing this will make my experience even more life changing than it already has been. ...