Kavita Badasha: Travel is the Only Thing You Buy that Makes You Richer
“Amazing how 4 months can have such an impact on your life.” This was a Facebook status from one of the Dutch boys, whom was apart of my Bordeaux family, upon his arrival home to the Netherlands.

I urge everyone even slightly considering a semester abroad to just GO. I understand that there is a lot to consider, particularly finance wise, but the experiences, the memories and the friendships that you will attain are seriously priceless. In addition to the time of your life, this will set you apart from other students. You were willing to take the risk to move to and live in another country, city and culture and this alone shows great qualities that, I believe, future employees will honestly appreciate.
I am so thankful that I went for it. I have travelled a lot in the past but this experience was completely different. One of a kind. Not only did I have the chance to travel around Europe; weekend trips here and there; but I was also able to simply enjoy the European life. Nights out in Bordeaux with my new friends, lazing around on a boiling hot day at the Jardin Public, enjoying some wine with the girls along the Garonne river or venturing down to the beach in neighboring Arcachon for the day. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and in doing so; I learned some interesting things, made some long lasting friendships and created some unforgettable memories.
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