Oscar Duran: YOLO!!!!! :P

Today is my day off and I find myself sitting here writing a blog instead of being out in the sun :( (Not to happy) haha JK. But seriously when ever you guys go on exchange you will be having so much fun, the last thing you’ll want to do is write a blog: P. But either way, I do feel like writing this blog to tell you guys to live by one word that I hate very much… YOLO (P.S thanks Sam Glennie: $ haha)

For those that don’t know what this word means, it means You Only Live Once; Sam certainly made sure to engrave that word in everyone’s vocabulary haha. But she does have a point; whenever you study abroad you have to make sure to enjoy everything you can! I do understand that some of you are trying to safe money, but before saving money you should really ask yourself if you will ever get another chance to study abroad.

If have taken a loan to pay for this trip, then why save it? Spend it all having a great time, and then when you come back I’m sure you guys will have a plan to pay it off. This might sound a little irresponsible: P but just remember YOLO!!!

It is important to keep in mind that with such a powerful word, comes great responsibility :P. If you are ready to have a good time, just make sure to have a plan on what you can do to pay all your debts. Also remember that school comes first ;).

Anyways my point is that if I hadn’t learned the word YOLO I would have never gone to Vegas and jumped off the Stratosphere tower which is 260m above ground: P


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