Mike Lee: Leaving London

The Heathrow airport is one of the most active airports in the world, but yet I felt it was amazing how it was full of activity with people entering into London on the day I left. I reflected on the people coming into London that day and imagining my first day in London and how it changed my world view on life. After I boarded my flight to Vancouver, leaving behind the place I called home for the last 6 months and the 2012 London Summer Olympics.

After this amazing semester abroad in England, I found my views and perspectives have changed; however, my behavior remained the same.
Interestingly, People around me expected more from me than ever; for example, my soccer teammates in Vancouver were expecting me to show David Beckham’s free kick skills.  The unrealistic expectations of my friends have taken a vice on my view on my experience in England. To add to the pressures of my peers; my roommate asks me if he is speaking British accent correctly. To satisfy his curiosity I have tried to study some British accents to not let them down.
I knew this experience would be invaluable and amazing, but I thought it would stop there. I thought it would be just my own memories and experience, yet my new surrounding does not let my experiences and memories to stop there. They are now my inspirations to follow what I'm most passionate about and will help guide my future.


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