Chelsea Casano: Roaming Around Europe
Taking advantage of the holidays is something that I have tried to do since I have been abroad. We have had a lot of school breaks here and it has given me some time to travel. Before I came here I had a mental note of the places I would like to visit and I am happy to say that I am able to cross some off my list.
About twenty of us students also all just went on a trip to Budapest together. It was a great trip where everyone got to relax and bond outside of Vlissingen. Budapest is an amazing city as well with really good night life that everyone got to experience (luckily the bars in Budapest are huge so it was no problem going with 20 people into one place).
My next trip is Dublin where I have relatives and friends. Other places I want to try to travel to is Bruges, as my roommate is from there and wants me to come with her to her home city, Prague and Paris. Hopefully I will be able to make it to all these places!I feel that I have taken advantage of how close everything is here and want to make sure to check off a couple more places before I leave!
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