Amy Marchi: New Life, New Experiences

Two and a half months have passed, about half the semester. Time has gone by so fast already. I can now say I have fully settled into my new life and am content living here. I have done so much already in these last couple of months.

I have acquired so many new memories, experiences and skills. I mentioned in my last blog that I have found a new love for cooking; I have recently purchased an oven and started to learn how to bake as well. I really enjoy cooking and baking for people; last night I made all my friends brownies! Since tonight is Sunday, family dinner night, Chelsea and I plan to cook a big spaghetti and meatballs for Bryan, his roommates and some other friends living in the student housing.

I also mentioned I was learning how to play some chords on the ukulele. Since then I have ordered my own online and can play 2 or 3 songs on it already! I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar so learning on a ukulele was a great opportunity to start.

There are a lot of talented students who can all play instruments. My next door neighbors have 3 ukuleles, one acoustic guitar, one electric guitar and a bongo. It can be quite entertaining when Chelsea and I visit with our ukuleles and we have a jam session.

Along with my new skills I am acquiring I am also creating several new memories with my new friends in Vlissingen. Now I am comfortable with my groups of friends here. It is nice to be able to have different groups of friends so you can experience and learn different things. Lately, the weather has been decent here and everyone has started to go to the beach. Bathing suit weather has not come yet, but when the sun is shining on you it is nice to spend the day hanging out on the beach with all your friends.

There are multiple activities you can participate in while at the beach. There are various to play; beach volleyball, football (European), etc. However, if you just want to go there to hang out and relax you can join in on bracelet making activities, study or listen to and join in on people playing guitar or ukulele. On occasion, Chelsea and I sneak off with some of our friend’s longboards and try longboarding along the beach walk.

As for my new experiences, I have plenty! I have already been to and traveled within 6 different countries. These include, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and of course the Netherlands. It is mind-blowing to have this opportunity to experience and travel to all these different countries. They are so close together, yet you experience distinctly different cultures and feelings when you are in each country.

As mentioned in my last blog I was planning to visit Budapest and Italy for my next trip. I came back from that trip a few days ago; we were gone for nearly 16 days! We spent over a week in Italy, travelling to Rome then down to the Amalfi coast. My highlight of the trip was staying on the Amalfi coast. We stayed in a small town called Atrani directly beside Amalfi. While we were staying there we got to witness their Good Friday procession, and words cannot describe how amazing it was to be there for such a pious day. T

he people and culture in these small towns along the coast are so authentic and richly cultured it was a really nice experience to enjoy. We have another break coming up again at the beginning of May. I have not yet planned anything for the break but I do hope to visit Scotland, Germany, or Czech Republic.

If I can leave you with one word of advice, don’t be afraid to experience new things. Experiences help you learn not only about life, but about yourself (your likes, dislikes, etc.). Every experience you have builds you into the strong, open-minded and cultured person you are today!


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