Michael Dekur: Hiking the Tiger Leaping Gorge

Start of the Tiger Leading Gorge During the middle of the semester a couple of my friends from university (Arianne, Bruno, and Chen) and I decided to go on a 3 day hiking adventure up into the mountains. The hike is called the Tiger Leaping Gorge and it is near the old town of Lijiang. The trail goes along the second largest Gorge in the world; with its mountain peaks reaching 6000 meters above sea level (Higher than any mountain in Canada). To get there we had to take a 3 hour flight from Guangzhou to Kunming, and then immediately take an 8 hour train north to Lijiang. I will be telling a story about a little encounter we had on the trail! Goat On the second day of the hike, Chen and I were on the path heading towards the grueling 28 bend climb up the mountain. We were trekking along, when we heard a slight noise on the cliff above us. Really not paying much attention, we took a few more steps. All of a sudden, something large and dark fell on the...