Gurkin Sran: Time Flies

I am now more than halfway through my program. Keeping up with classes and working full time all while trying to make the most of the limited time we have here is really hard. Its crazy how quickly the time is going by, I remember being in training for my first role not too long ago.

I definitely believe that this program is an educational opportunity. Not only the class work but the chance to work with and around countless amounts of people in a fast passed environment is like a crash course on both the English language and customer service skills. Before entering this program I would find myself becoming easily frustrated in situations where there was a language barrier or cultural differences.
During this program I have learned a lot about my friends from different countries and I now understand how difficult it must be for people from other places to submerge themselves into a foreign culture. This experience has been extremely rewarding overall; I will never forget the experiences or memories I have created here. I have made close friends that will last a lifetime and learned a lot about myself all while living and working in one of the most magical places on earth. Though not everything about then UCR- Disney Academic Training Program is perfect it has been an opportunity that will benefit me positively in both the professional and personal aspects of my life in the future.
During the program I was able to network with other college students from all over the world. I am proud to call people from England, Australia, China, Spain, Korea and all over the United States my friends.
Gurkin Sran is a Tourism Management student at Capilano Univeristy. Gurkin participated in the Disney International Program in California and Florida, USA.


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