Kelsey Singer: Kings Day in the Netherlands

Before leaving for the Netherlands, I remember talking to mine and Stephanie’s study abroad ambassadors about how much fun they had at Kings Day the previous year. A month after we arrived in Vlissingen, a group of us agreed to stay together and head to Amsterdam for the big event. Formerly known as Queens Day, Kings Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands. It is held on April 27 and celebrates the birthday of King Willem-Alexander. In short, it is an all day party where everyone wears a lot of orange and drinks a lot of beer.

Amsterdam was packed with people on Kings Day, yet somehow we ran into over thirty friends from the HZ. There were street vendors everywhere and even a small carnival set up with rides for people of all ages. All across central Amsterdam there were stages set up with live music and dancing, and all streets were blocked for pedestrians to walk and dance anywhere and everywhere. We had a solid group of about eight people and we spent the entire day walking around Amsterdam, drinking at bars and street vendors, and having more meals and waffles than necessary.
Every minute felt magical, and it was very surreal to be part of a country that has so much pride. By the end of the day everyone was exhausted from starting our morning at 8am, but we were all in agreement that it was all the worth it. I hope I will be finished exams in time to go back and celebrate in Amsterdam next year!

Kelsey Singer is a Bachelor of Business Administration student at Capilano University. Kelsey studied abroad at HZ University of Applied Sciences in Vlissingen, The Netherlands.


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