Trevor Gustavson: Trevor in China

Right now I am living my life in a much different manner than I had been for the past month in Guangzhou. Right now I am traveling with my parents, currently in a 5 star hotel in Shanghai. And, right now, I have come to the realization that it is soon coming to an end, and that I will soon be making my way back to my previous – yet still new – life. China has been a shock to my system. I came here dragging with me no expectations, because apart from what people had told me, or what I had seen on T.V or in movies, I had no experience with the country. I figured building up expectations would be unreasonable, because surely they would be shattered. However, this unfamiliarity was also admittedly one of the key reasons I chose China. I could have made the more comfortable choice and gone to Europe – somewhere I am familiar with – but I needed a challenge. Well, challenge accepted. My journey here started in Hong Kong, where a family friend opened her home and provided m...