Lexi Davis: Opportunities

Here is a little (not so secret) secret about why I decided to take part in the Study Abroad program: I did it for the travel opportunities! I am a travel junkie and one thing I have learned in the past and have most definitely relearned during this trip is to, "Embrace every and all opportunities you can." For me that statement has more to do with traveling but it also has a lot to do with activities and events within Bordeaux and INSEEC itself. However, for the purpose of this blog entry I want to truly express the travel opportunities that are possible when you partake in a Study Abroad in Europe. 

Disneyland in Paris
During this Spring semester I have been lucky enough to travel a lot! Alex, Chiara, and I started off with a small adventure on a weekend trip to Toulouse and Carcassone. Little weekend/day trip opportunities are in abundance when situated in Bordeaux (St. Emillion, Archeon, Medoc, Rochelle, Paris, Toulouse etc) are all within a short train ride and some are within an hours drive.

Dublin, Ireland

One thing that I learned early on in this adventure was the ability to travel alone. I know it sounds like a weird thing to say but this was the first time that I have travelled alone (for more than a day or so) And what I learned from it, is that it is a great experience and that I have come to quite enjoy it (please don't get me wrong, after some time you do want to travel with people but you meet people along the way! That's what Hostels are for!) My first adventure alone was to London (easy start - no language barrier); my next trip was to Florence - I found, however, that I was able to see all the things I wanted to within the first day. So my 2nd day in Italy I hopped on a train and explored Milan for a day, and on my 3rd day I hopped on another train and roamed the streets of....Rome (get it "roamed Rome"! Haha) 

Over the reading break Alex and I ventured off to Dublin as well as the seaside town of Brae. After a few days in Dublin together, we split off and Alex went to Belfast and I began my biggest adventure of the semester: Dubai! That's right when you are situated in Europe it is even easy to get to the Middle East. This trip was amazing and a prime example for seizing opportunities! I was able to take myself to what felt like a completely different world and experience a place that I may never be able to again. I mean I drove a car in the Middle East (Dubai to Abu Dhabi) that is something that I never imagined I would be able to say!

What I have learned from my past experiences and again have relearned this semester is two things: 

1) The things that you are most afraid of are the most worthwhile! and 
2) You make the best memories when you take advantage of opportunities! 

So...Go out there are do something scary (bungee jumping, skydiving, traveling alone. heck go for a meal by yourself!) and keep an open mind.

Lexi is a third year Bachelor of Business Administration student studying abroad at INSEEC Business School in Bordeaux, France.  Lexi also participated in the 2013 China Field School.



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