Chiara Locascio: Wine, Sweet Wine

I am now nearing the end of my semester at Inseec, with two weeks left. Wow, feels like just yesterday I was driving into Bordeaux, eyes wide in amazement, and moving into my new apartment. These past two months have just flown by, especially with March being the intense party month (all the student campaigns going on… meaning they compete with each other to throw the best parties and events! And they have to do anything you ask… want a massage? Or McDonalds when you’re hungover? Or someone to come clean your flat? They will be there in a jiffy to get your votes at the end of the campaign). I am so grateful and happy to have called this amazing city my home the past 3 months, it has been a blast and I could definitely say that this has been by far the best semester ever! It does make me really sad however, to think that it’s almost over and I am going to have to say goodbye to some great friends I have met here, as we all continue on in our life journeys all across the worl...