Alexis Morton: La Vie en France

When I first arrived in France, I felt like I was in a haze. I went through the motions without really taking in what was happening. I think since I’ve settled in to life in Amiens, I’ve noticed the differences between here and Vancouver; at first it frustrated me, but now they make me happy. 

Even though I’m accustomed to my life here now, the differences make me step back and realize what a crazy adventure I’m on. The streets and sidewalks are cobblestone, I walk past the biggest Notre Dame cathedral in France every day on my way to school, and people really do walk around carrying baguettes! In my first week in France, I thought I would be homesick, but when I think of everything I’ve already done, and what I have planned ahead, it seems like I have such little time left. 
In three weeks I saw five countries: Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic. It was a whirlwind trip, days were packed, and I’m still trying to comprehend the amount of history and culture I saw; after seeing some big, busy cities, I felt so relieved to arrive in my little town of Amiens. 

Some days I miss home in Vancouver, but when I’m traveling, I miss my home in Amiens. I’m surprised how fast time has gone since I arrived, and I’m excited to see more countries, explore more of France..and oh ya, go to school.

Alexis is a third year Bachelor of Business Administration student studying abroad at France Business School in Amiens, France.  


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