David, Arjet and Kristina: Fun times, EY?

Song of the Day: London Bridge by Fergie

Life is an adventure so pretty much take in the scenery every chance you get. When we planned our trip for the day we had an idea of exactly how the day would go. We would start off at the University of Greenwich meeting one of the business professors there, then head over to Ernst and Young to meet with Robins sister for a tour and to learn about what they do. This all of course did not go as planned, we needed to roll with it and go with changes that are unexpected. We took longer than expected at the University and thankfully, with the support of Peter who was the instructor, got a train that would take us to EY much faster.

We learned a lot about time management and compromise. It’s not easy leading a group of 22 people around a city that you do not know that well. There is so many places that you can go and many different directions that sometimes making things up on the fly is the easiest way to go. With so many underground trains compared to Vancouver, you really need to know many different routes in case something happens. The nice thing about this is that you have other routes rather than just one line and then you have problems when things don’t go your way.

It was interesting hearing how these people we were meeting got to where they were in their careers and how they support the world around them. This experience is supposed to be about doing business abroad and we feel like we are learning so much. It is such an amazing experience to meet these people and to see what kinda of work is involved. It was especially exciting for the group because the Professor at the University was from Toronto so in a way it linked us back to home.

David Fryer is a 4th year Bachelors of Business Administration in Marketing and Arjet Shazi and Kristina Tatarinova are 2nd year Tourism Students.


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