Devan McClelland: Living Car Free, Living Care Free

7:00 a.m. Wake up.

7:30 a.m. Pound back a bowl of oatmeal.

8:00 a.m. Pack onto the U-Bahn with hundreds of other commuters while I try to decipher their German conversations.

8:30 a.m. Arrive at school without swearing at a single driver or stressfully searching for parking.

Studying abroad in Vienna, Austria has lead me to experience new transportation methods, infrastructure, and city design. Many students go abroad and are intrigued by the change in culture, language, or sense of independence. I have become consumed with how one moves from place to place in European cities.

Vienna may not be Denmark's Copenhagen or The Netherland's Amsterdam where bike lanes and public transport outnumber cars. Yet, Vienna is the first time that I have lived without depending on decomposed dinosaurs to transport myself from place to place. The bicycle culture here is alive, and making friends who are as passionate about two wheels as I am is motivating.

My desire for riding trains and pedalling bikes has extended to my travels outside of Vienna. Budapest is one city where I was greeted with exciting new cycling infrastructure and shiny yellow rail cars.

Seeing a city by bicycle is rewarding and commuting to FHWien University by train has been relaxing. The prospect of seeing Vancouver follow suit with separated bike lanes and more efficient public transport is exciting. By removing myself from my comfortable everyday routine at home studying abroad has helped me realize what I am truly passionate about.

Devan is a third year Business Administration student studying abroad in FHWien University of Applied Sciences in Vienna, Austria.   



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