Gordon Cheng: Imagination & Curiosity of an Erasmus Life

A lot can happen in one year. Within that year, you can’t help but imagine or be curious of how your life is going to be like in Europe. Is it going to be great or is it going to be depressing? Are you going to complain about how things are different or are you going to embrace the change? Did you pack enough? Did you pack the right things? Did you do enough research? All of that is an absolute must but don’t forget to bring two things with you… and that is the gravity of imagination and curiosity.

We all perceive the world differently. Our thoughts and imagination keeps us unique. The concept of imagination can be viewed as unreal but the fact is it's more real than you think. They take us to places we’ve never been before. Imagination is what guides us to build skyscrapers and computers. Curiosity inspires and challenges us to reach our goals. Despite the differences, they are a common link that touches humanity in all of us. They are the templates that architect our lives. 


To be honest I had no idea what I signed up for. But you can’t shoot for great things if you have the safety on. I was scared to be in a country where English is not the preferred language. But surprisingly, Hungary has been more receptive than I would ever imagine. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a lot of people here who have made my first month here very enjoyable. You don’t have to be super organized or a genius to figure how things work around here because all you need is your imagination and curiosity. If you’re curious how students from around the world, who speak different languages, are going to get along then imagine this… we’re all here to experience something new. We want to learn something about ourselves. We want to explore a world that is bigger than the one we were born in… and that desire is a language of an Erasmus life that needs no translation.

Dozens of countries have weaved together to make one authentic tapestry and this lovely country extended their hand to welcome us… and you don’t need to know a single word of Hungarian to understand that. Names are introduced through handshakes. Friendships are created with glass of beers clinking. Memories are made with great people. A lot can happen in one year. During that year, I’ve been celebrated the best of times and endured the worst of times. But that is all is the past. I was so lost and now I have no intentions of being found.

Gordon is a third year Bachelor of Business Administration student studying abroad at the University of Pecs in Pecs, Hungary. 


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